blog posts
on the world of frontend engineering
on the world of frontend engineering
Drag selection is the defacto pointer multi-selection. In this guide we'll recreate native-like drag selection in react.
Dropdown menus are great until you have interactive content. This guide combines dialogs and dropdown menus for a simple interactive dropdown flow.
How embracing workarounds isn't such a bad idea.
I created an app for typing through the Bible. Here is a technical breakdown of all the little details.
How to persist through creative struggle
exploring JS vs CSS animation performance by recreating the sidebars of Notion, Linear, and Gitlab
A bonus post animating our treeview ✨
What keyboard shortcuts belong on a treeview? What do the ARIA guidelines recommend? Building on a previous post, we answer those questions and make our treeview accessible.
What is a roving tabindex? When do you need one? How can you create one in React? In this post, we answer those questions and walk through a simple example of a roving tabindex.
What is a treeview? How should you structure one? How do you create one in react? In this post, we answer those questions and create a mouse interactive treeview.
The togglegroup is a modern variant of the radiogroup UI pattern. In this post, you’ll learn how to create one that is accessible via a roving tabindex.
The disclosure is the best UI pattern for answering questions. In this post, you'll learn how to create one with a height animation via framer motion.
Creating a slider with a range input sometimes just doesn't cut it. In this post, you'll learn how to make one from scratch with framer motion.
How to recreate the vercel tabs component with CSS, react transition group, react spring, and Framer motion.
how I write in Notion, own my own content, and do as little manual work as possible
how I finally realized that rest is important and that there is a limit to what I can do
how an extensive software process can impede the real work
how it's fallen short for me and what I am choosing instead
and staying human in your job search. How to not become a zombie.
of all the practical stuff involved in getting interviews, offers, and negotiating well
How to not preoptimize your job search and just apply.
How to identify what is important in your next job and focus on getting there
I have found two common job searching pit-falls. Here is how they worked for me, and my two cents on how to reach a large number while still differentiating yourself.
Job searching is about telling your story. This is a guide to being honest yet convincing in how you portray your experiences.
It's not chronological, not on a high cadence, never finished, and will always value transparency over all.
As a long-time lurker, I have recently discovered why I fall into it and great reasons to stop. The world needs your contribution!
It took a lot for me to settle on creating a frontend engineering and web animation blog. Here is the why and what about of that decision.
A monthly no filler update.